Thursday, November 29, 2012

Extinct animals

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Care of the beauty

Care of the beauty of the face and eyes, especially when the ladies is no room for after him.You ladies should beware of some of the products adulterated and cause serious skin diseases and to ensure the safety of cosmetic tools Specials approaching eyes

The beauty of the Ladies

The beauty of the Ladies


Desinger Amleahy care beauty ladies is the process easy and simple, but has to be the choice of materials that help the lady in caring for its beauty very high accuracy and especially the process to take care of hair as the hair lady is an essential part of the beauty of the lady and proved some reports that Alssedat in Europe spend more than Theltt monthly income on cosmetics and make-up

Thursday, November 1, 2012

angli joli with afirca kids

africa kids 

The difference between the "Flex" and "Hadzic

The difference between the "Flex" and "Hadzic"!

Nationality: -
Flex: Austrian
Hadzic: Bosnian
Objective: -
Flex: break the record.
Hadzic: achieving the vision of ((a dream that went for Hajj on foot))

Distance: -
Flex: 39 km
Hadzic: 5,500 km

Road: -
Flex: vertically towards the sky
Hadzic: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia

Duration: -
Flex: about 3 hours
Hadzic: 11 months

Method: -
Flex: Spacecraft
Hadzic: on foot only portfolio.

Intake: -
Flex: oxygen and the latest hardware.
Hadzic; apples and bananas.

Cost: -
Flex: $ 200,000 for the suit.
Hadzic: only 500 euros.

Obstacles: -
Flex: the sound barrier
Hadzic: Aatqalan in Syria by the opposition sometimes and army at other times, when he approached another investigation of his dream station, was denied entering the territory of the Kingdom without permission, so he was forced to return to the Jordanian capital, to address the Saudi Embassy.

Media: -
Flakis: all hype tread.
Hadzic: newspaper just today.

Result: -
Flex: Failed to break all records
Hadzic: succeeded in achieving his dream to go
To the Kaaba on foot!
